How to Prepare for Your New Patient Virtual Visit

Welcome to Little Sage Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine! 

We are looking forward to seeing you during your virtual appointment! Your initial session as a New Patient will take place over video conference.  

All new patients will meet with our practitioners over video conference to discuss your health history and condition. After this session, you can schedule a follow-up in-person appointment with acupuncture at the clinic. 

Please fill your online medical history and consent forms through the link sent in your confirmation appointment email.

To confirm your appointment, we ask that you please pay in advance for your virtual visit. We will send you an invoice through Square, a secure online payment system.

Cancellation Policy:

As a courtesy to other patients and to our practitioner, please notify us 24 hours in advance if you cannot keep your appointment.  Please keep in mind that this time has been set aside for you and cannot be used for anyone else if you do not give advance notice. Any cancellation notice given less than 24 hours prior to appointments will be charged a $95.00 fee. All missed appointments will be charged the full fee of $150 for the visit. Valid emergencies are, of course, an exception. Thank you for your understanding.

How to prepare for your Virtual Visit

You will get a confirmation for your scheduled appointment with a video link to click at the time of your visit. Please allow at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment to test the link and check into the video conference. 

Make sure you allow permission for your mic and video. You can usually find this under your settings on your phone or on your laptop.

You do not need to download the app to join the visit as long as you are accessing the link from your browser. If you are using Mac or iPhone, use a Safari browser. For PC or Android, it use a Chrome browser.

What to expect at your Virtual Visit

During our visit, we will be talking about your health condition in detail as if we were talking in person. So please be in a private place where you can answer your practitioner's questions.
Part of our practitioner's diagnosis of your condition includes looking at your tongue.

Please send us a clear picture of your tongue under natural or bright light. 1-2 pictures of your tongue should be sufficient.

For Dermatology patients:

Before your scheduled visit, please send your practitioner pictures of affected areas. Email to send these pictures.

Please take clear pictures of the affected areas using natural light. Go near a window during the day to take pictures or under bright white light. Take a picture of the affected area from different angles

Please send enough pictures so your practitioner can get a clear picture of your condition, but not too many.

If you have any questions please email us at

Thank you so much and we look forward to meeting you!

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