July 14, 2022

A remedy that dates back hundreds of years in different cultures and one of my favorites is ginger tea. It’s important to use only the juice of fresh ginger and not dried ginger. It’s used as a remedy for common colds and flus. Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral and can also help thin mucus, protect mucous membranes and slow down spread of illness in the body. Ginger is also helpful for nausea and eases digestion.

To get fresh ginger tea, there are several methods you can use.

You can use a juicer. If you don’t have one then use the other two methods below. Cut the ginger in ¼ inch slices and simply feed into the juicer. No need to peel the ginger . Pour 3-4 oz of ginger juice into a cup, add some lemon and honey, then drink. Make sure to save the pulp because you can also boil the pulp to get more out of the ginger. See below instructions for how to boil the ginger.

Blender. If you don’t have a juicer, you can chop up the ginger in small pieces and blend them. Use a strainer to separate the pulp from the juice. Save the pulp and you can boil it, see below. Pour 3-4 oz of ginger juice into a cup, add some lemon and honey, then drink.

Boil fresh ginger tea in a pot. Cut the ginger in ½ inch slices. Put in a small pot and let it boil, then simmer for 15-20 minutes. Strain, add honey, let it cool and drink. We call this Salabat in Filipino.

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