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Autumn is a time of profound transformation, inviting us to observe and mimic nature’s graceful release. This season marks the transition toward yin, inviting us to turn inward and reflect. The days grow shorter, and the air becomes crisp, signaling a time to slow down and conserve energy. This shift from yang to yin encourages introspection, allowing us to process the experiences of summer and prepare for the restorative stillness of winter.

Autumn is a season of harvest—both literally and metaphorically—where we gather the fruits of our efforts and begin to let go of what no longer serves us.

Understanding this transition helps us align with the natural rhythm of life. By embracing the yin qualities of autumn—such as reflection, release, and renewal—we can achieve a deeper sense of balance and harmony within ourselves. This seasonal shift reminds us to nurture our inner world, fostering emotional clarity and spiritual connection as we prepare for the introspective journey ahead.

The Metal Element and Autumn

In Traditional East Asian Medicine, each season is linked to an element, and autumn is governed by Metal. This element represents refinement, structure, and clarity. Just as metals are shaped and polished, autumn encourages us to refine our lives by letting go of excess and embracing simplicity.

The organs of the Lungs and Large Intestine are central to the Metal element. The lungs are responsible for taking in new energy, while the large intestine releases waste. Together, they symbolize the balance of receiving and letting go, both physically and emotionally.

Health and Transformation

Autumn’s cooling energies prepare us for the introspective nature of winter. It’s a time to fortify our health by focusing on the respiratory and digestive systems, which are pivotal in maintaining balance and vitality.

Respiratory Health

The dry, crisp air of autumn can challenge our respiratory system. Supporting lung health is crucial, as it enhances our ability to breathe deeply and fully—literally and metaphorically—inviting in new experiences and ideas.

Digestive Clarity

The large intestine’s role in elimination mirrors our need to let go of physical and emotional clutter. This process of release fosters a sense of clarity and lightness, preparing us for the slower, inward-focused winter months.

The Importance of Letting Go

Autumn teaches us about the beauty of letting go, a concept that extends beyond the physical act of shedding leaves. It’s about releasing old habits, thoughts, and emotions that weigh us down.

Emotional Release

Letting go is not just about physical clearing; it’s an emotional detox. The season encourages us to confront feelings of grief, sadness, and attachment, allowing us to process and release them. This emotional freedom leads to a more profound sense of peace and self-awareness.

Simplicity and Clarity

By shedding what no longer serves us, we create space for what truly matters. This clarity is reflected in nature’s simplicity during autumn—trees stand bare, revealing their essential structure. Similarly, we can strip away non-essentials, focusing on core values and priorities.

Creative Reflection

Autumn is a time for introspection and creativity. As nature slows down, we are invited to reflect on our personal growth and the lessons learned throughout the year. This reflection can inspire new ideas and fresh perspectives, setting the stage for future endeavors.

Autumn Thoughts

Embracing the autumn transition involves aligning with the natural cycle of receiving and releasing. By focusing on the health of our lungs and large intestine, and by practicing the art of letting go, we can enhance our overall well-being and prepare for the transformative journey into winter. Let autumn’s wisdom guide you toward a season of clarity, simplicity, and renewed purpose.

Little Sage

2800 Pacific Ave, Suite A

Long Beach, CA 90806


Clinic Hours

Tuesday 9:00 am - 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Wednesdays 9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Thursday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am - 12:30 pm

Saturdays 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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