Over thousands of years ago, the ancient masters discovered the ability to cultivate the power of Qi. They discovered that the most profound medicine to heal our bodies can be found within us. This concept of Qi is what many here in the West are only starting to recognize and appreciate.
Qi is usually translated as vital energy or life force.The Chinese character Qi is represented by two radicals (a radical is just the basic component that makes up the Chinese characters), one representing vapor, steam and gas, and the other representing uncooked rice.
In Classical Chinese Philosophy, Qi means all things that are both material and immaterial, both physical and spiritual, and both matter and energy. Qi is both simple and profound. Qi means all the things that make up the universe and hold it together.
In Classical Chinese medicine, Qi represents the different functions and transformations of the human body, the world around us, and the whole universe. Qi flows inside of us, through us, and is all around us. Qi exists in every living thing.
So what does that have to do with your inner super power?
Qi is the life force that we are trying to affect when we do acupuncture. When the free flow of Qi is blocked or not coursing smoothly through the body, it can result in illness and disease. In Chinese medicine, acupuncture can help restore the flow of Qi to harmonize the organs and channels of the body.
You have the ability to cultivate your Qi through such practices as acupressure, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Acupressure is using your fingers or hands to apply pressure to specific points on the body. Tai Chi and Qi Gong are ancient Chinese practices that integrate conscious slow movements, meditation, and breathing. It is a gentle, low-impact moving meditation that can help your posture, circulation, and balance. It improves mental and physical health, promotes well-being, and longevity.
The practice of cultivating your Qi is profound medicine to both prevent and treat disease. The best part is that it’s within your reach to tap into that inner super power.
Here’s a short exercise that you can do to begin to familiarize yourself and get a glimpse of the Qi inside your body.
When doing this exercise, take it slow, breathe, allow your body to relax.
Sit in a comfortable position either sitting or laying down with your back and neck straight, your chin slightly tucked under. Start by taking three deep breaths. Slow inhale and slow exhale.
Put together the palms of your hands at the level with the heart. Then rub the palms of your hands together for 30 sec.
Inhale and slowly separate your hands so they are about six inches apart, exhale then put your hands close together but leave about an inch between them. Keep repeating this over and over again until you get a smooth rhythm going with your breath and your hands separating and then coming close together, separating and then coming close together. Repeat this six to nine times.
Now widen the length between your hands to 12 inches apart, then put your hands together until they are almost touching but leave about an inch between them. Keep repeating this over and over again until you get a smooth rhythm going with your hands separating and then coming close together, separating and then coming close together. Repeat this six to nine times.
Now widen the length between your hands to shoulder width apart, then put your hands close together but leave about an inch between them. Keep repeating this over and over again until you get a smooth rhythm going with your hands separating and then coming close together, separating and then coming close together. Repeat this six to nine times.
At the end, put your hands together, palms facing each other in a prayer position, and take a deep and slow breath in and out.
Did you feel the energy between your palms?
If you didn’t, that’s okay. You may feel it the first time you do this exercise or maybe after doing this exercise a couple of times. The sensation between the hands can be subtle at first. Be patient with yourself. Take it slow, breathe, allow your body to relax and try again.
That subtle energy that you feel between your palms is Qi.
The more you do certain exercises to cultivate your Qi, the stronger that sensation becomes.
Let me know what you thought of this exercise.
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